Saturday, August 05, 2006

Intro to Cooking: 101

I had my first cooking class on Thursday night. As I said earlier I cannot cook worth shit. I have made meals that even my dogs won’t touch, and they’ll eat anything. So I went into this class hoping that I could learn some basic cooking skills. And I have to say the class was fun, but still not sure if cooking is my cup of tea.

I’m just not one of those types of people who enjoying cooking to begin with. I don’t get any real satisfaction from cooking; I don’t like to cook for other people. I can’t be bothered will all the time and effort involved with cooking. To me cooking is just something to do for survival. I mean, a girl’s gotta eat, that’s why I go out to dinners all the time.

I did learn some things from class, and I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it. I just don’t see myself coming home every night and hitting the stove for a meal. Maybe on occasion I’ll whip something up. I learned how to handle a knife properly. But I still need lots of practice. One of the assistants came up to me and said she was worried about me cause it looked like I was about to chop off my fingers. So I have to remember to tuck my fingers into my palm and to get a better grip on the knife. But I wasn’t the one that cut myself! Yay! Some kid in front of me cut his finger and needed a band aid for his boo-boo. Hahaha, sucks to be you!

I also learned that I have this uncanny ability to attract the crazies. That’s not a fair statement, I’m not sure if this fellow is crazy or not, but he did creep me out. So you work in partners and I was paired up with an older gentleman who looks to be about 35-40ish. Anyhoo, I’m not going to ignore this guy or be mean cause well we’re working together to create our dinner. By the way, we made beef stir-fry. The man and I begin making conversation, and I ask where he works, and what he does. Turns out he works right across the street from me. Go figure. So at the end of the night he asks for my business card, and I knew I shouldn’t have, but I gave it to him anyways. I’m sitting at work Friday morning and my phone rings. I see that it’s a local number. I never get local calls cause my territory consists of Central, Mountain, and Canada. I see this number and I know it’s the guy from the cooking class. I pick up, and he asks me to go to lunch. I make up some lame excuse that I have a meeting or something and said that next week would work better for me. Crap, now what am I going to do? Again, I’m prejudging and maybe he just wants to have lunch and that’s it, but it still creeps me out that he called the very next day to have lunch with me. And of course I still have two more classes with him, and I’m sure he’ll want to partner up with me again. Again, it’s this amazing skill I have. I think I need to patent it, bottle it up, and sell it on the street. So we’ll see what happens next and if he calls me again at work.

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