Saturday, January 06, 2007

My week in Pictures

Last week, my good friend Shama, came into town. Shama and I first met at the radio station, and we hated each other. But we kept having to work together, and eventually we became really close friends. I love this girl to death, and she always knows how to have a good time. Ms. Shama is now living in South Beach, FL, and I am so jealous and cannot wait to go visit her. The week she was here we went out every night and drank every night. I think I am finally recovered from her visit. Here are some fun pics from that week, including my NYE pics.

1 comment:

Bernie said...

Shama dropped by the office while she was in town. Great to see her again. Can't believe she lives in Florida, however; she seems soooo New York. :)