Saturday, August 25, 2007

Being Committed

After my high from reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows it was really hard for me to get engrossed in another book. I kept browsing the shelves in the library picking up various books, but never getting quite far into them. I’d read a few chapters and the words couldn’t get my attention so I’d be done with it.

I finally picked up a book that didn’t bore me. Its called Being Committed by Anna Maxted. I liked the premise of the book. A woman gets proposed to by her boyfriend and instead of being happy and jubilant, she breaks up with him for wanting to get married. Can we say commitment issues? (BTW, I have such commitment issues, so I figured I could relate)

Hannah realizes that she has made a huge mistake and decides she wants her boyfriend Jason back. Jason says that he will only take her back if Hannah agrees to work out her issues with her ex-husband Jack. Turns out Hannah has been married before when she was a lot younger and it ended in divorce. Jason believes this is where her commitment-phobia stems from.

Hannah is emotional detached from others and has a hard time maintaining important relationships within her life. But she is willing to try for Jason. They have been together for five years and since he can put up with her, than it must be love.

She gets in touch with her ex-husband, Jack and apologizes for the way their marriage crumbled. He opens her eyes to certain truths about her life and forces her to get to the root of her problems.

Eh, the book was ok. I liked the spin of it being a woman scared of being in a serious relationship instead of the man. But Hannah’s character just wasn’t very likeable. There was nothing about her that made me want to root for her. Even Jason and Jack weren’t that likeable either. Jason seemed like a spineless, whiny man who put up with a shitty relationship for five years. And Jack was a pig-headed, emotional asshole that would be downright mean to Hannah. I don’t see what she saw in either one of them, and I have no idea what they saw in her.

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