Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm Back Bitches

Man, I caved into the peer pressure of Jessie and rejoined myspace. Well I didn't really cave, but told her if she wanted to re-create my page for me, than she is more than welcome to since I can't be bothered to go through the motions of it all. So she did and made it the page look pretty and even uploaded pics for me! That's dedication right there.

If you all remember, I deleted my account because myspace ruins lives! And to fill the void in my life, I create this blog. Well don't worry, I won't abandon this blog now that myspace and I are back together. After being on it for just a day and half, I'm already over it and am so tempted to delete it all over again, but I know that Jessie would be upset if I did so.

I've kicked the myspace addiction. Besides I'm way too addicted to reading other people's blogs to really care what goes on in the myspace world. Its a sickness, I know.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha you made your little cartoon character the crazy cat/pet lady. Classic!

Anonymous said...

haha u can delete it, i wont be upset ! lol -jessie