Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fun Memories

The last two days at work have been pretty slow. I guess all my productivity and hard work from last week paid off because I'm left with nothing to do this week. So to say that I have been bored is an understatment. I started reading the daily comics, which is something I haven't done since high school. I came across this Garfield one, and just had to post it.

It reminds me of this time when Best Friend Ever and I were playing Taboo against her brother and sister-in-law. BFE and I were on the same team, and to be honest, just isn't fair. We've known each other since we were five and pretty much can say one word and know immediately what the other one is thinking.

So its my turn to do the describing, and the word is "mouse." I go into complete brain fart and cannot think of anything to express "mouse." Here is our dialouge:

Me: Chirp, chirp, chirp
BFE: Bird, baby bird
Me: No, something else that is small. Chirp, chirp, chirp
BFE: Bird, baby bird
Me: No, chirp, chirp, chirp
BFE: What?! Are you sure its not bird?
Me: (Screaming) Yes, I'm sure its not bird. Chirp, chirp, chirp
BFE: What?! OMG, just skip it.

I refuse to skip and we spend the entire time with me going chirp, chirp, chirp and BFE just looking completely perplexed. The word I was going for was squeak. I think I was even doing hand motions of a mouse eating cheese, whatever that looks like.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow...you're pretty haha