Saturday, September 23, 2006

More Surveys

I love reading other people’s blogs. I also love taking ideas from them to create new posts. Kiah posted this on hers. So I’m going to copy it and post it on mine. Well actually if I were really lazy, I would just copy word for word what she wrote, but then that would be plagiarism and that’s not right.

Ten Random Things You May Not Know About Me:
1) I am anal retentive when it comes to loading up my dishwasher. Dishes have to be loaded a certain way. And if you’re dumb enough to do my dishes for me, I will hover over you making sure all the dishes are put in its proper place.
2) I love the movie Titanic and only really like watching it during the Christmas season cause it reminds me of Christmas. My reasoning behind that is because the water is really cold and it reminds me of how cold it gets during Christmas time.
3) I have to do laundry once a week. And the times I don’t do it, I feel like my schedule for that week is out of whack, and I won’t be able to get things correct again until I do laundry the next week.
4) I have a weird OCD about numbers. I like things to be even. Like if I’m eating grapes or berries, I have to eat them in an even amount or it freaks me out.
5) I have ADD when it comes to reading books. I usually have to read two or more books at one time because I get bored of reading just one book. And once I start reading a book, I usually skip to the end of the book to see if the ending is worth me finishing the book, or because I like the book so much that I can’t wait to find out what happens at the end.
6) I used to suck my thumb until I was 10 years old.
7) I watched my first porn when I was 11 years old with my best friend Christa. Let me just say that was a very enlighten experience.
8) I think its very unattractive if a guy doesn’t know how to drive a stick shift. If I can do it, then a man definitely should be able to.
9) I started off college as Engineering major. That lasted about one semester before I realized that I hated Engineering. I then changed majors to government cause I used to want to work on The Hill, and then I changed it yet again to Communication.
10) I love musicals. My favorite musical is West Side Story, but I love them all including Oklahoma and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. But I hate The Sound of Music. I just don’t believe the hills are alive with the sound of music.

Nine Places I Have Visited:
1) Thailand
2) Paris
3) Rome
4) Venice
5) Cambodia
6) Bahamas
7) Amsterdam
8) Dublin
9) San Francisco

Eight Ways To Win My Heart
1) Be confident with yourself. Nothing is a bigger turn on for me than a man who is confident with who he is as a person
2) Have patience with me because I can be quite difficult at times and tend to think I am always right.
3) Being thoughtful and considerate.
4) Honesty. I cannot be with someone who lies to me or lies to themselves.
5) A man that can cook is extremely hot.
6) Someone who has a great sense of humor and isn’t afraid to laugh at himself. Because sometimes you just need a good laugh.
7) I like a man who is spontaneous and is willing to try and do new things. Someone who can spice up my life cause I hate when things get monotonous, and I need variety.
8) And of course a girl loves some presents every now and then. Doesn’t have to be anything big, but some flowers or a book would be nice.

Seven Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1) I want to go skydiving.
2) I want the white picket fence scenario. A family, lots of dogs and all that other stuff that goes along with it.
3) Live my life to the fullest with no regrets.
4) I want to live over seas for a few years so that I can experience other cultures besides my own.
5) Find a job that challenges me and makes me happy.
6) Continue on my quest to always better myself and to instill that value in my children.
7) Learn how to play the piano

Six Things I Am Afraid Of:
1) Disappointing those who rely on me or who love me.
2) Deathly afraid of ghosts. I can’t even watch scary movies that are about ghosts or monsters cause I will have nightmares for weeks.
3) Spiders. It was after the stoopid movie Arachnophobia that started all of that.
4) Dying before I have accomplished all my goals in life.
5) Breaking a bone. I have never broken anything and I am scared that it will be ridiculously painful.
6) I’m deathly afraid of tornados. Every time there is a thunderstorm at night, I’m afraid a tornado will develop and I will be swept away while I am sleeping.

Five Things I Don’t Like:
1) Stupid and ignorant people.
2) Pickles. I can’t stand the taste and smell of them.
3) I really hate all those “Girls Gone Wild” Videos. I think the girls who participate in those videos are idiots and have no self-respect for themselves. Those girls give women a bad name cause guys think all girls are sluts and whores.
4) I hate people who don’t know how to merge into traffic. Good lord, get some balls and just freaking merge into the fucking lane. It’s not that hard.
5) Even though I want children of my own, I don’t really like kids. They freak me out. They are little, they smell, and they make a lot of noise. I just don’t know how to relate to them.

Four Ways To Turn Me Off:
1) Lie to me. Once I catch you in a lie, I will never be able to trust you again.
2) Bad teeth. Go to the freaking dentist and get your teeth taken care of. If you have health insurance you should get your teeth cleaned on a regular basis.
3) If you don’t like animals, then forget it. I love animals and plan to have a bunch of them when I grow up.
4) If you don’t have manners or the common courtesy to say please and thank you.

Three Things I Do Everyday:
1) Shower
2) Talk to my Mother on the phone.
3) Check my e-mail.

Two Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My dogs Bear and Pepper. I love them to death and know that all I need to do is get a smooch from them to brighten my day.
2) The smell of clean towels.

One Thing On My Mind Right Now:
What I should do for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... genius